Aspiring singers can learn how to sing high notes with vocal coach Robert Burnley. When you attain an extended range, your vocal chords will stay in place and then your chords will thin, shorten, or d ...
The focus of this video is on singing high notes for men. The first step is to identify which mode your high note are sung in: classical, contemporary, or falsetto. For most men around the E flat note ...
Saher known as "sbGALT" is here to help with your singing vibrato. He gives an example of what vibrato is & how it varies from straight tone when singing. He sings a note with & without vibrato to ill ...
In this video, Kevin Richards teaches us some vocal exercises and how to expand the upper range of the head register voice for singing. The exercise, a "reverse octave", involves starting at a high n ...
Want to break some glass? If you don't quite have the vocal range you're hoping for you can try holding a heavy object while singing. This should get you to tighten your throat and vocal cords which w ...
Stitch shows how to do the inward keh snare and its advantages over outward keh. Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Breathe in through the sides of your tongue for a "Darth Vader"-l ...
The Erick Dillard Vocal Clinic gives you vocal lessons in this video. Using a variety of scales, this tutorial will give you a range of different notes that will strengthen your vocals, and enhance yo ...
Many people speak from their chests by default. If you're serious about singing, however, you should make an effort to sing from your belly. Not only will you increase your volume, but your singing wi ...
This is a great instructional video on how to sing better by controlling your amp. Some secret tips for your singing voice are given in this video. You can try them on a "trouble section" of your favo ...
This video describes how to improve your singing technique which is useful for singers, orators and anyone who would like a better sounding voice. In this video one will learn that there are six muscl ...