Everything Else

How To: Sing using your chest voice

In this tutorial, we learn how to sing using your chest voice with Ian Castle. Your chest voice is used in everyday speech, it is turned chest voice that vibrates in the chest voice. If you speak in everyday conversations, you will be able to feel your chest vibrate, which is what your chest voice is. When practicing your chest voice exercise, don't strain your voice too hard. You will want to start out with saying "ahh" voice exercises, from descending to ascending. Change your voice along w...

How To: Sing using a head voice

Ian Castle tells us how to sing using a head voice in this video. The point where you cannot sing any higher is the point in which you need to use your head voice. This is a much thinner sound that feels lighter. To start an exercise to use your head voice, start with saying "aahhh" from a lower to a higher tone of voice. Do this several times using your entire mouth, not being scared to look silly. When you get to the point you can't reach your voice any higher, wait for a lower pitch and th...

How To: Prepare your body before singing

In this tutorial, Karina Hayes-Blakely tells us how to get your body ready for singing. It's important to be relaxed, since singing is something that allows sound to come out. First, drop your shoulders and elongate your neck. You will want it to feel like there is a cord on your head that is holding you up straight. Think about where you feel shy singing, and work with the part you are shy about. If it's your face, massage your jaw until you feel relaxed and comfortable. Also, deep breathe a...

How To: Scream low through proper breathing

This video will show viewers how to scream through several tips and practice exercises which will train your voice. First, practice by doing lots of exercises which involve inhaling hard while making sounds through your throat. Next, do low screams by flexing your stomach very hard and focus on pushing out the air from your stomach rather than from your throat in order to do this properly. Try to add accents into your screaming. Next, practice how to scream high, once again focusing on pushin...

How To: Become a singer and rapper

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to become a singer or rapper. Before rapping or singer, you need to make sure that you have a passion for it. It has to come from within you and you need to have the talent to do it. If you don't have the talent, you may choose to learn from a vocal lessons or voice coach. Practice a lot and make sure that you can recognize harmony and melody through your voice. Join a choir to experiment and see if singing is right for you. This video will benefit th...

How To: Yodel like a native Austrian

So you'd like to know how to yodel, would you? Well, you've certainly arrived in the right place (as this guide won't teach you to do much else). Fortunately, yodeling is quite easy. So easy, in fact, that this guide can present a complete breakdown of the technique in just three minutes' time. For a detailed overview, and to get started yodeling in the style of a native Austrian yourself, watch this free video yodeling lesson.

HowTo: Become Lil' Wayne's Prison Penpal

Via WonderHowTo World, Luv and Music: Weezy, we miss you. Well, at least I do. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. Lil' Wayne is currently serving a year long sentence in a New York prison, after pleading guilty to a gun charge. (Miss the story? Get the scoop on NPR).

How To: Sing high notes without struggling

Are you a great singer, or do you want to be an excellent singer? This 2 part video tutorial will walk you through the basics of singing high notes. The best part? You won't be gasping for air at the end of it. This is all about singing the high notes without struggling.

How To: Make skull caps with a bandana like a rapper

Making a skull cap with bandana is really easy to do. For this first you need is a bandana and you need to fold it corner to corner.Depending on your hair size its about half far out to the other corner you go. Once you are done you have to take the flat portion to inside and place that agianst the head. Then pull the two ends to the back and bring it down sides and overlaping with the corners and a qiuck tie in the back. You are done with it. And there is another way which is just opposite t...

How To: Sing with clarity

This video illustrate us how to sing with clarity. Here are the following steps: step 1: First of all keep in mind to sing with full confidence and in the right pitch.

How To: Whistle very loud using 4 fingers

First of all you have to wash your hands thoroughly so that they are nice and clean. Now take your middle finger and your index finger of your both hands. Now open your mouth and roll your tongue upwards. Place these fingers on your rolled tongue inside your mouth. Now blow very hard. If you can whistle then you have done it. Otherwise the tutor suggests that you must practice a lot to learn this. You only have to keep following the steps mentioned. It needs a lot of dedication. You will not ...

How To: Whistle loudly using only 2 fingers

Carla Simian demonstrates how to whistle loudly using only two fingers. Whistling with two fingers is an easy way to get the attention of people who are far away from you. Whistling with two fingers is easy with a few simple steps and some practice. First, fold your tongue backwards so it presses against the bottom teeth. Make two fingers in the shape of a V and place them on your tongue. Next, put your lips tight around your fingers and blow. Adjusting the angle and the depth of your fingers...

How To: Loudly whistle with four fingers

This is a clear, easy to follow instructional video on how to whistle loudly with your fingers! This is the two-finger method, which is easiest for beginners. First put your tongue to the back of your mouth, and slightly curl your lips inwards. Using both hands with two fingers, place the tips in your mouth on, resting slightly on your tongue. Make sure your fingers just have a tiny bit of space between them; and then blow! This should make an extremely loud whistle. To practice, you should e...

How To: Become a good freestyle rapper

This video tutorial gives viewers important tips on how to become a better freestyle rapper. After an introductory rap, the instructor gives suggestions on fresh freestyle rapping. You need to be quick on your mind and quick on your punch lines. Practice battling yourself in the mirror, because you are your greatest enemy and ally. You have to speak quickly from items that are right off the top of your head. Practice rapping constantly. That includes conversations and while looking in the mir...

How To: Get started writing a rap song

In this how-to video, you will learn how to write a rap song. First, make sure it comes from within you. Writing rap is like poetry. Most rap songs consist of a 16 bar verse with about an 8 bar chorus. It is really about how you feel. Make sure your rhymes are both deep and tight. Flow is very important. This is the general structure of a rap song. It must sound good. Dig deep down to find the best expression. Do not just duplicate what other peoples are saying. Start off slow and stick to a ...

How To: Whistle really loudly

To whistle really loudly start by rolling the tip of your tongue back toward the back of your mouth. Then take the middle and index finger of both hands and put them in your mouth near the underside of the tongue. The underside is exposed because the tongue is rolled back. When you put the fingers in your mouth put them near the tongue but not touching the tongue. With the fingers in your mouth close your mouth down around the fingers and blow out. The air passing through the fingers and teet...

How To: Do a loud whistle with your fingers

This video is specifically for people who want to learn how to whistle very quickly. The young guy in the video instructs you how to whistle by putting your two middle fingers in your mouth at the same time. First before blowing air through them, you must wet them with tongue or with water. Next step is you blow really hard and through the space in between the middle of your fingers which are placed at the edge of your mouth, next to your jaw. This will allow you to whistle very loudly. This ...

How To: Be a rapper in 5 minutes

Want to be a rapper? Find it hard to become one? Well, Jason Hawkins is about to show you how to become a rapper in less than five minutes. You don't have any musical skill? Well, no worries, because, as Jason Hawkins put it, musical skills are not needed to become a rapper. To start out, you'll need 3 things. One, an internet connection. Two, a working microphone. Three, you must have the clothes needed, for example: a hoodie, a tracksuit, a pair of sneakers, jewelry or "bling", and a New Yo...

How To: Soundproof a room for playing and recording rap music

To sound proof a room you have many different options. If you don't have your dry wall up because you don't have your studio set up, put insulation right inside the wall before you put in the dry wall. It is important to sound proof your room because you don't want your neighbors to call the police and you don't want there to be echoes and feedback on your sound. You want your music to be crisp and high quality. The best insulation is fiberglass insulation. If you already have your wall up, y...

How To: Use a microphone to record your rapping

In this how-to video, you will learn how to use a microphone in order to rap or record speech. A mic can be used for instruments, vocals, and other things. There is a proper way to hold the microphone. First, do not the hold the mic with your hand over the mouth piece. Do not hold it up too close or too far. Holding it too far will cause an echo. Holding the microphone too close will muffle the sound. Keep it about an inch or more away. Make sure you hold it at an angle to hit the soft spot o...

How To: Freestyle rap using three simple rules

This is a video teaching how to freestyle rap using three rules. The first rule is to freestyle all the time. Freestyle by yourself. Listen to some beats by yourself in your room with the first thing that comes into your mind. The second thing is to make sure it flows. Do not stutter. Keep practicing until it comes out smoothly. The third rule is do not stop rapping. In other words, don't take breaks for weeks or months otherwise you will get rusty. It will take time to get good at it again i...

How To: Sing high notes and use your head voice

This video will show you what your head voice is and how to sing high notes. Your head voice is a higher range than your normal chest voice, which can only go a certain range. Your head voice is the voice that occurs when your singing and vibration of your vocal chords is felt higher up than your chest, in your head area. This tutorial will show you how you can find this head voice and demonstrates a good method for exercising your voice so that you will be able to more efficiently sing highe...

How To: Sing an easy high note

Aspiring singers can learn how to sing high notes with vocal coach Robert Burnley. When you attain an extended range, your vocal chords will stay in place and then your chords will thin, shorten, or dampen allowing you to reach higher notes. This is what occurs physically when you are reaching higher notes. The key is to have the mentality that you are allowing your vocal chords to get thinner or shorter to reach those higher notes. Part of the struggle is not having the right mindset that yo...

How To: Sing high notes for men

The focus of this video is on singing high notes for men. The first step is to identify which mode your high note are sung in: classical, contemporary, or falsetto. For most men around the E flat note of the range determines which of these three routes is natural to the singer. For classical singers there is a distinct throttling around this pitch change into higher notes, a region known as the passagio. Contemporary singers have a more gradually ramping up as they pass over this transition o...

How To: Extend your upper range while singing

In this video, Kevin Richards teaches us some vocal exercises and how to expand the upper range of the head register voice for singing. The exercise, a "reverse octave", involves starting at a high note (in the head register) with a "He" sound, and singing down an octave to end up with a "Ya" sound. The purpose of this is that making the "h" sound in "He" works the diaphragm. Richards will explain this and demonstrate it in the video. After learning how to do the exercise, you will learn help...

How To: Hit the high notes

Want to break some glass? If you don’t quite have the vocal range you’re hoping for you can try holding a heavy object while singing. This should get you to tighten your throat and vocal cords which will produce a higher pitch sound.

How To: Beatbox the inward key snare with Stitch

Stitch shows how to do the inward keh snare and its advantages over outward keh. Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Breathe in through the sides of your tongue for a "Darth Vader"-like sound. Forget steps 1 and 2 for a while. Say a "k" with the back of your throat while breathing in. Combine all three steps together. Advantages of inward keh over outward keh. Inward keh sounds nicer than outward keh. Inward keh is much louder than the outward keh. Inward keh allows you to b...

How To: Sing scales

The Erick Dillard Vocal Clinic gives you vocal lessons in this video. Using a variety of scales, this tutorial will give you a range of different notes that will strengthen your vocals, and enhance your singing. You will start with the more simple exercises, and gradually build up to the more difficult exercises. Accuracy and training your ear is explained. This is a nice tutorial to help you with your singing skills, and it beats having to pay for singing lessons.

How To: Sing better by controlling your amp

This is a great instructional video on how to sing better by controlling your amp. Some secret tips for your singing voice are given in this video. You can try them on a "trouble section" of your favorite song and check how fast you improve! Jill Jaxx, teacher and performer, teaches you the voice culture so easily that you can improve your singing at once. She tells you how to make quick fixes for your voice and learn to sing better fast.

How To: Sing better by improving your technique

This video describes how to improve your singing technique which is useful for singers, orators and anyone who would like a better sounding voice. In this video one will learn that there are six muscles involved in singing and that there are exercises to improve their function which in turn improves one's singing voice. For example in the first exercise one learns the importance of the cheek muscles and how they can hamper one's voice if they are not moving correctly. Overall this video is in...

How To: Breathe correctly when singing

Breathing Challenges with Erik Dillard and Athan Datu is the name of this video and they will show you the correct way to breathe as you sing. Breathing is everything and the shown "S‚" drill helps you to learn how to exhale the right way. Tips like using a stop watch to help time and how to soften the "S‚" to get more out of your breathing will soon have you being able to exhale much longer and have much more control, which is necessary for singing.

How To: Fix your breathing to sing better

Jill Jaxx teaches some simple techniques you can use to improve your singing voice. These techniques are easy enough that you can practice them at home. The main focus is focusing on your breathing but includes some great (and funny) tips including holding your tongue! The student featured in this demonstration has a retainer and Jill helps her to not only relax her breathing to sing better, but to control her tongue to help get her notes and voice out the way she wants it!