Voice How-Tos

How To: Hum While Beatboxing

Humming while beatboxing is one of the most important techniques to pick up if you're planning to cover popular songs. It's also a key element for singing and beatboxing, but that's for another tutorial. Here, I'll teach you how to hum while beatboxing by explaining exactly how it works.

How To: Use your falsetto singing voice or your head voice

There's a lot of heated debate about the difference between head voice and falsetto, and Kevin Richards is here to clear things up for you. In the fist video, he quickly talks about the difference between the two, along with a few examples. In the second video, he expands upon his explanation and serves up even more examples of falsetto versus head voice. If you're just beginning singing, then you definitely need to know that they're not the same.

How To: Do warm up and warm down exercises for your singing voice

Kevin Richards gives a you a great lesson on warming up your singing voice. What should you do to warm up your voice? How often? How long? Well, it all depends on the type of person and how much you have spoken throughout the day. These tips for warming up (and warming down) your voice are definitely helpful, like warming up from the top of the scale, down.

How To: Sing

In this video, Erik Dillard teaches us how to sing. Remember that breathing is everything. A lot of people having amazing voices, but they can't tap into their full voice because they aren't breathing properly. Make sure you use your diaphragm and never breathe through your chest. If you're sitting down, make sure your posture is upright and if you're standing up, don't lock your knees up. Remember to relax and breathe. Take care of your voice and have a good time with learning how to sing. S...

How To: Breathe when singing

In this tutorial, we learn how to breathe when singing. The breath for singing is different than normal in that you only breathe using your midsection. You don't want to breathe with your chest, this is the least effective breathing method for singing. The rib muscles will help you sing better, make sure your chest is up high first. When you inhale, move your stomach muscles and ribs out so they can fill up with air. Watch yourself in the mirror so you can see where the movement in your body ...

How To: Sing rock

In this video, we learn how to sing rock. First, you need to make sure you warm up before a gig and warm down after a gig. This will give you the ability to sing five days a week without hurting your throat. You will be able to sing easier without harming your voice. First, you will need to do lip bubbles with your mouth for a couple of minutes. Go in a high tone to a lower tone, which will stretch your voice out and warm it up. You will also need to do "tongue pushups" where you stick your t...

How To: Sing without injuring your vocal chords by supporting with the diaphragm

If there's one thing we learned from high school show choir, it's that trying to scream out songs like your favorite pop artists will eventually ruin your voice and even scar your vocal chords so you'll never be able to sing well again. In fact, lots of famous pop musicians have had to get throat surgery later in life to correct all the damage they did to their vocal chords when they were younger.

How To: Scream sing like Mitch Lucker from Suicide Silence

In this video, we learn how to scream sing with Mitch Lucker. First, you want to prepare your body by deep breathing in and out. You then want to breath in deep with your voice and start to make a growling noise. Once you have this sound, you will want to practice with it very often. Next, get a full stomach of air and then drop your voice very low. After this, release all of your breath while breathing out in a low voice. Then your voice will sound extremely low and you will be scream singin...

How To: Make a simple clapping noise in beatboxing

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a simple clapping noise in beat boxing. First, you want to suck air in through your teeth and make a sizzling noise. Block air from coming into your mouth and then open up the back of your tongue so your focusing all your air to go through the small space in your mouth at the back of your tongue. After you do this, you can just suck the air through the side of your teeth. You can also do this by taking a breath in and then breathing in through the sides ...

How To: Scream sing properly through your stomach

In this video, we learn how to scream sing properly through your stomach. A great method to do this is to fill your stomach with air and practice making a deep throat sound while you are breathing out. Make sure you are in the right mindset, then open up your throat and make a deep sound on it. You want to use the power of your voice and work hard at making the scream as deep or as high as you want it. It's hard to do this, so don't expect to do this over just one day. It takes several months...

How To: Use your diaphragm to scream sing

In this video, we learn how to use your diaphragm to scream sing. This is what you would use if you were doing death metal vocals to scream in a song. You will need to use the voice from the back of your throat, but make sure you aren't using the wrong portion of your voice to breathe too hard, or you will lose your voice quickly. You want to deep breathe and use your diaphragm to pull the deep sound out of your throat. This will take practice to get used to, but it will help you sound deeper...

How To: Create sound with your vocal chords

In this tutorial, we learn how to create sound with vocal chords. Your vocal chords remain open when you are breathing and are drawn together when you are singing. As the vocal chords release, it creates a ripple effect that releases noise through your mouth. You want to make sure you use solid breath, so you don't have tension in your vocal chords and while you sing. Your breathing technique should be similar to how you are using your vocal chords. You don't want to apply too much pressure t...

How To: Sing high notes with Rae Henry

In this tutorial, we learn how to sing high notes with Rae Henry. Remember that it takes time to sing high notes, so give yourself and your body time to adjust. You will use the very top of your throat when you are singing high notes. When you start this, open your mouth and open your mouth like you are yawning, then sigh several times going higher each time. During this, your tongue should be sitting behind your teeth. Make sure you have no tension in your jaw and your teeth are not clenched...

How To: Do deep screams and pig squeals in metal singing

In this video, we learn how to do deep screams in metal singing. You will take a high note and add to it by pushing your throat. This is like doing the vocal fry method. After you keep practicing, this will become a guttural scream. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and shape your mouth into a fish shape. Let the air flow steadily and the noise will come out really deep and out of your guts. This may take you several days or weeks to do, but don't give up easily! Once you get the scre...

How To: Sing in the vocal fry style

In this video, we learn how to sing in the vocal fry style. Start by using your throat to sing higher with music notes being played on the piano. You will make a noise with your throat that is similar to Elmer Fudd the cartoon. Don't worry about how your pitch sounds with this, it's just about getting your voice stretched out to have a more full sound. You want your voice to sound creaky and weird, as you keep going higher with your voice. After, start doing the opposite and singing down in t...

How To: Sing octave and unison

This video tutorial is in the Music & Instruments category which will show you how to sing octave and unison. Unison singing is two or more people singing on the same note. The singing has to be in sync. It is important to make sure that the phrasing and the lines are together. Also the tones should be identical. One should not be too loud or overbearing. Octave singing is like unison singing except for the fact that one person will be above or below the other person in terms of tones and not...

How To: Do a high pitched scream

Cory teaches us how to do a high pitched scream in this video tutorial. This is the same as a low scream, just higher in pitch. The first this to do is to let out a lot of air when you are using a high pitched scream. This is the opposite of what you would do for a low pitch yell. The next thing to do is to position your tongue in your mouth. The tongue should be up to the front of your mouth touching your bottom teeth. The last thing to remember is to use a different spot in your throat, fin...

How To: Handle mistakes while singing

In this video, Ian Castle tells us tips on how to handle mistakes while singing. The key to making sure you are staying in great focal condition is to warm up and warm down. Next, make sure you don't do too much talking on the day of a performance. Also, don't drink alcohol on the day of or day before you have a performance, as this can alter your voice and make it coarse and dehydrated. Remember to drink plenty of water and avoid breathing in cold air. Also, purchase a portable steam inhaler...

How To: Sing well in a mixed voice style

Ian Castle tells us how to sing well in a mixed voice style. This helps smooth out the transition between your voices and split the chest and head voice. This helps anyone who has cracks while they are singing. You will start off by doing vocal exercises that go from low to high on the piano. Remember to go high when the piano does, and low as it goes low. The more you practice these vocal exercises, the stronger your voice will get and the better you will get at changing your voice style. Th...

How To: Sing using your chest voice

In this tutorial, we learn how to sing using your chest voice with Ian Castle. Your chest voice is used in everyday speech, it is turned chest voice that vibrates in the chest voice. If you speak in everyday conversations, you will be able to feel your chest vibrate, which is what your chest voice is. When practicing your chest voice exercise, don't strain your voice too hard. You will want to start out with saying "ahh" voice exercises, from descending to ascending. Change your voice along w...

How To: Sing using a head voice

Ian Castle tells us how to sing using a head voice in this video. The point where you cannot sing any higher is the point in which you need to use your head voice. This is a much thinner sound that feels lighter. To start an exercise to use your head voice, start with saying "aahhh" from a lower to a higher tone of voice. Do this several times using your entire mouth, not being scared to look silly. When you get to the point you can't reach your voice any higher, wait for a lower pitch and th...

How To: Prepare your body before singing

In this tutorial, Karina Hayes-Blakely tells us how to get your body ready for singing. It's important to be relaxed, since singing is something that allows sound to come out. First, drop your shoulders and elongate your neck. You will want it to feel like there is a cord on your head that is holding you up straight. Think about where you feel shy singing, and work with the part you are shy about. If it's your face, massage your jaw until you feel relaxed and comfortable. Also, deep breathe a...

How To: Scream low through proper breathing

This video will show viewers how to scream through several tips and practice exercises which will train your voice. First, practice by doing lots of exercises which involve inhaling hard while making sounds through your throat. Next, do low screams by flexing your stomach very hard and focus on pushing out the air from your stomach rather than from your throat in order to do this properly. Try to add accents into your screaming. Next, practice how to scream high, once again focusing on pushin...

How To: Become a singer and rapper

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to become a singer or rapper. Before rapping or singer, you need to make sure that you have a passion for it. It has to come from within you and you need to have the talent to do it. If you don't have the talent, you may choose to learn from a vocal lessons or voice coach. Practice a lot and make sure that you can recognize harmony and melody through your voice. Join a choir to experiment and see if singing is right for you. This video will benefit th...

How To: Yodel like a native Austrian

So you'd like to know how to yodel, would you? Well, you've certainly arrived in the right place (as this guide won't teach you to do much else). Fortunately, yodeling is quite easy. So easy, in fact, that this guide can present a complete breakdown of the technique in just three minutes' time. For a detailed overview, and to get started yodeling in the style of a native Austrian yourself, watch this free video yodeling lesson.

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